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Business Processes and Documents Digitalization System

Available in cloud or on-premises. For enterprises, national holdings and the public sector

On-premises & SaaS
Adaptation to business requirements
Built-in analytics

QDoc is more than just an electronic document management system

Document Management

Contract management

HR Document Management

Projects and Teams

Document and Records Management
Organized management of correspondence and internal documentation, task assignment and control.

Meeting and Collegial Bodies Management
Generating agendas and recording protocols. Automatic task assignment based on meeting proceedings.

Electronic Document Archive
Unified and legally compliant electronic document storage.

Integration with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Office
Registration of documents in the system directly from Microsoft Outlook.

Integration with the SEWS EDMS
Electronic document exchange with national holding companies and the public sector. The sender receives automatic notifications about actions with the document made on the recipient's side.

Contract Management
Preparing contracts from templates in a few clicks, automatic sending for approval on predefined routes and signing by an EDS of NCA of the RoK. Facilitated document exchange with counterparties.

Accounts Payable and Invoice Management
Transparent control of approval and payment of both paper and electronic invoices, binding to contractual documents. Invoice register with convenient filtering.

Paperless Document Management
Documents signing with an EDS of NCA of the RoK, including signing from mobile devices. Checking the validity of the signature in the ezSigner service.

Electronic Document Exchange with Counterparties
Integration with idocs service. Document exchange with Kazakhstani companies directly from QDoc interface.

Human Resources Electronic Document Management
Legally compliant digital documents exchange between employer and employees using an EDS signature.

Online Onboarding and Staff Movement Management
Recruitment, transfers, changes in terms and conditions of employment, and dismission of employees. Flexible process configuration and fast export of documents for inspections.

Vacation Management
Comprehensive vacation management in compliance with corporate policies and the country's legislation.

Travel and Expense Management
Transparent management and coordination of business trips.

Personal Profile
Instant access to employer documents and services through the personal profile.

Projects Management

MS Project alternative

Creating project documents from ready-made templates. Project work scheduling and execution control using Gantt chart and performer load analysis.

Agile Boards

Trello alternative

Efficient visualization and clear detailing of team work, easy monitoring of progress status.

Corporate Knowledge Base

Notion alternative

An effective solution for knowledge management within your company.

Collaborative Editing
Seamless integration with online editors for collaborative document editing.

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Business Processes Management

All company business processes can be automated easily and quickly without programming skills. In the visual editor, the lead user models them in accordance with corporate requirements. The necessary steps of the business process are simply "dragged and dropped" onto the diagram.

ABBYY and Kofax alternative

Built-in Intelligent Services

QDoc's AI solutions and services process textual information:

Extract facts and other relevant information from incoming documents

Classify, register documents, fill in document profiles

Create a draft of a task from the text of protocols or internal orders

Compare versions of documents, including those of different formats

QDoc for the Public Sector

The system complies with the rules for documentation, document management and use of electronic document management systems in public and non-governmental organizations in accordance with Resolution No. 730 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018.

Certificate of trusted software

QDoc is included in the list of software that meets the requirements of information security in government sector.

ISO Certificate

System complies with the Safety Level 4 according to ST RK ISO/IEC 15408-3-2017.

Certificate of Registry

ESM System Company, the developer of QDoc, is included in the Register of Domestic Manufacturers of Goods, Works and Services.

The Industry Certificate No. 110100014 dated 7 July 2021 and issued by the National̆ Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan “Atameken”.

Why customers
choose QDoc

Delivery: On-premises and Cloud

A cloud-based version is perfect for a quick start. The system is deployed in fail-safe data centers in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On-premises version is designed for companies that are ready to install the system on their own servers. Due to concurrent licensing, the customer only pays for licenses of employees who work in the system simultaneously.

No-code Setup Combined with Low-code Tools

No-code configuration of QDoc requires no programming skills. A lead user can adjust the system to the company business processes on his own.

For more complex and customized tasks, an administrator can modify the system using a low-code development framework.

Security and Reliability

Confidential documents will not leak from the system.

Scalable architecture, encrypted data traffic and flexible user authorization management ensure the protection of corporate information.

Built-in Analytics

With dashboards managers can analyze employee performance. Task deadlines, performance discipline and employee workload are displayed in visual graphs and charts.

About the Developer of QDoc

The system was developed by ESM System startup, part of Abi.kz group of companies.

Since 2012, Abi.kz has been actively involved in the digital transformation of various sectors of the economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Over the past decade, the group has successfully completed projects for more than 100 clients, including:

ESM System is registered with Astana Hub, an international technology start-up park.

The company has implemented quality management systems, which are confirmed by ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001 certificates.

The developer's mission and principles are reflected on the «About the company and the product» page.



QDoc system presented at the SPECA Summit exhibition

An international exhibition dedicated to the summit of the UN Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA) took place in Baku. At the event, Kazakhstan presented domestic IT solutions. Representatives of the QDoc also participated in the exhibition as part of a delegation from the Republic.



QDoc functionality has become wider

A new project management solution has appeared in the system, intelligent services for information processing have been updated, and the protection of corporate data has became even more reliable.



QDoc has become a resident of the Tech Garden solutions platform

QDoc system was included in the list of domestic digital products of the Smart Industry Management Platform. The presence on this marketplace confirms the software quality and the high level of confidence in the product.


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a demo

Find out all about QDoc's capabilities for your business.


55/8 Mangilik El Ave, Astana, Kazakhstan.
+7 7172 64-03-21, office@q-doc.kz

Customer service: +7 7172 64-03-21 (Ext: 909),